Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Resting Place...?

Taylor Family and Friends,
Well, the mysteries are basically all gone now-we know where Elder Taylor will be ending his mission. I´m staying here in Tranqueras! I´m actually really relieved, I did not want to go to another area for only about a month. Elder Hughes and I are both staying here, as we expected. There was one surprise that came with this change, though; Pres. Peterson assigned me to be a District Leader again for this last change. He probably just did it to help keep me focused. Haha. So that´ll be kinda fun.
Things are getting pretty warm here in Tranqueras; we had some really hot days last week. But things are going really well. Last week we had Zone Conference in Tacuarembó, and it was great. I was able to see Elder Tibbetts, Elder Centurión, Elder Gomez, and the Hermana Diaz, who are all finishing this week. Of course I saw Elder Ludlow, too, because he´s in my zone. I don´t know if you all remember me mentioning Elder Ludlow, but we went to high school together. Jason Ludlow, lives down on 90th in the neighborhood behind SoJo Elementary School, or in other words, around the corner from Alison. It was a lot of fun to see them all again, but I can´t believe they´re going home. It just seems so unreal. But hey, it´s all good.
We received an interesting challenge as a zone last week from our Zone Leaders, which provided for a great experience. On Tuesday night, after Conference, they called each companionship and challenged each of us to work a miracle in our areas, to have at least 10 investigators in the chapel on Sunday. Everyone accepted the challenge and the excitement in the zone was really high. We had a morning-side on Saturday morning on a hill in Rivera, and then started a zone fast on Saturday afternoon. We´ll find out today probably how everyone else did. Elder Hughes and I were able to see quite a few miracles here in our own area. We had been working with a couple of inactive members for a few weeks, and they had mentioned the chapel, but never accepted the invitation to come. On Sunday, both of them were there. Also, a couple of investigators who had kind of gone cold on us were present again. Victor, one of our investigators has a baptismal date for the 28th. We had a great lesson on Saturday night with Nestor when we talked about all the blessings that the Lord has prepared for him as soon as he makes the decision to quit smoking. The last week was definitely a testimony to me about how the Lord is willing to bless us as long as we are willing to sacrifice and give everything we have.
This change is going to be a quick one. Usually changes are six weeks, but this one is only going to be five for some reason....it seems they are sending some people home for Christmas or something...I don´t really understand it! :o) I´m really grateful to be here with Elder Hughes. We are really excited to keep things going this change, and we´re looking forward to a lot of success this change.
It´s been a couple of weeks since I heard from Melanie or Megan. How are you two doing? I imagine that Melanie is pretty busy with musical rehearsals. When is opening night? I would guess probably next weekend. Tell everyone good luck for me!
I heard that someone´s going to be having a birthday next week...who could it be? Wow, my little sisters are growing up! What happened? Haha.
Well, I know this letter isn´t very long, but I think that´s going to do it for me this week. I had some really special experiences last week, but I won´t have time to write it all if I try right now. I have no doubt that the Lord knows each of His children and that if we are willing to heed the impressions of the Spirit, He will guide us in what we need to say. Our job is to make sure that we are seeking His guidance, and living in such a way that we can hear it when it comes.
I love you all, and I hope you have a fantastic week! Mary-Anne, I haven´t gotten your package yet, but maybe I´ll get it in District Mtg this week. We´ll see. Take care!
Elder Taylor

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