Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another Week

Taylor Family and Friends,
I don´t know if you all feel the same way, but these last six weeks have
just flown by. I can´t believe we´re already at the end/beginning of
another change.
But more important than that, I got to give a shout out to Pops! Happy
Birthday Dad! I don´t know if you heard me singing this morning bright and
early, but it sure was taken care of. :o) I hope you have a FANTASTIC day!
I thought it was cool that I get to have a p-day on your birthday-i­t´s
almost like I got invited to a party...I guess? Haha.
Anyways, so about changes...any guesses? Alright, I´ll just tell you:
I´m staying here in Bella Union with Elder Marroquín. I pretty much
figured that´s what was going to happen. Elder Marroquín is only my
second companion here in Uruguay that I´ll have been with for more than
one change. I was with Elder Stoddard (trainer) for two changes, but after
that it´s been one after the other. Pretty crazy, uh? I´m not gonna lie,
there was a part of me that wanted to bounce to another area, but I know
that this is where the Lord wants me. There´s people here that need to
hear the gospel from Elder Marroquín and Elder Taylor. I think I just
wanted to go to get to know other parts of the country. I´ve been out
almost 11 months and I´ve had two areas. I know Elders who´ve been out 4
months and they´ve had more areas than me. But hey, I´m grateful to know
that this work is directed by our Heavenly Father and so we don´t need to
question or doubt anything.
This last week was awesome. Well, weather-wise it was ridiculous. I think
the weather is more unstable and unpredictable here than in any other place
I have been in my entire life. We have had days of almost unbearable heat
and then two hours later it is POURING rain. Pretty intense stuff.
Yesterday is rained ALL day and today it is still overcast and drizzling
off and on. Not the most beautiful p-day in the world, but prolly not the
worst, either!
Last weekend, I had a special visit that made me SUPER trunky; but not
trunky for home. What am I talking about? Saturday night, Elder Marroquín
and I were planning and at about 9:15 somebody burst in our front door and
yelled , "HEY GRINGO!" Elder Marroquín and I just looked at each other,
not knowing exactly what to do; yeah, basically just freaked out. After a
couple of seconds of silence, I stood up and headed out of the room to go
to the front door. As I got close to rounding the corner, I heard footsteps
in the front room. Right as I rounded the corner, so did a huge
silhouette...Hermano Juan Carlos Martinez from Artigas, Rama 5! We both
just kind of yelled and laughed as we hugged. Hmo Martinez used to live
here in Bella Union a long time ago, but is now living in Artigas. He had
come on Saturday afternoon for work (he drives a bus/taxi) and was going to
be heading back to Artigas late Sat night. He had called tons of the
members here throughout the afternoon trying to locate those darn
missionaries, but to no avail. But one thing about those darn Mormons in
shirts and ties-everyone knows when they´re going to be inside. Haha. The
members told him where we were living and he came to visit. We chatted
about the Rama 5 and what has been going on in the 3 months since I left.
It was SO good to see him. He stayed for about 20 minutes or so and then
had to head out. When he left, my companion looked at me and said, "You´re
trunky now, aren´t you?!" And I said, "Yes, but only for Artigas." Haha.
It was so weird. If I could´ve, I would have gotten on a bus and headed to
Artigas right then. It was a lot of fun to get news about people with whom
I lived and worked for 6 months. So that was my special visit from Saturday
Anyways, now about the whole missionary work thing...! Things are going
really well for Elder Marroquín and I. We are teaching a lot, but the
investigators haven´t been progressing much, so what do we have to do?
Find those who are going to progress! It may mean that we are going to
spend more time in the rain, but if we put our confidence in the Lord, He
will bless us. This last week, we decided to do just that. We stopped
passing by some of our "old" investigators (explaining why beforehand) and
started knocking. The Lord really does bless us if we put our trust in Him.
We were able to find more people to teach last week than in any other week
of the change. Only time will tell if they are those who the Lord has
prepared, but it was definitely a testimony to us.
The other day, I was doing my morning study and I read a scripture that
I´ve decided to put as my ´theme for this change. Philippians 4:13. I´m
not going to tell you what it says, because that would deprive all of you
of the opportunity to open your own scriptures and mark it for yourselves!
:o) But it´s a good one. It´s in the New Testament, for those of you who
forgot. Open it up and think about how each one of you can apply it as we
begin this new change...! Send me thoughts and ideas, I would love to hear
what ya´ll think!
So anyways, that´s what´s going on in the life of Elder Taylor. The
mission is fantastic. It´s hard, for sure, but I love it. This last week
we have had a couple of Family Home Evenings with members here in the ward,
trying to spark some excitement here in Bella Union. We have been reading
with them in Alma 24, about the Anti-Nephi-Lehites, verses 21-27. In these
short verses, it gives us as children of our Heavenly Father an idea of
just how powerful our example can be. So far, it has gone really well. I
hope that it helps the members catch a little of the vision that we have.
Melanie and Megan, how did the quarter end up? I hope that you both
stayed up on your studies. It is amazing the difference that can be seen
here between the people that have taken advantage of the opportunity to
study, and those who didn´t.
Mom and Mary-Anne, what did ya´ll end up doing last weekend? Did
Nathanael get to spend any time with you, too, or was he in the library all
Swift, how are the studies going? Are we going to have another lawyer in
the world, or not? How are things looking in Salem? Should I head up there
and study with you? Haha. Yeah right. I have NO idea what I´m going to do
with my life. But I´ve still got time to think, right?
Dad, what is this new position you´re looking at? I hope all goes well.
Keep me udpated. How are things going with the calling? You should take a
picture from our deck and send it to me. Or should I wait and just be blown
away when I come home? Hmmm. You guys decide.
So what have you guys decided to send me for my birthday? Haha. One of
the members here is telling me to ask for peanut butter, so if you guys
could manage a bit of that, that´d be good. Just an idea. I´m not picky.
I´ve thought of new English scriptures...big ones like my spanish
set...what are your thoughts?
Anyways, it´s about that time. I love each and every one of you, and
I´m looking forward to hearing from you! Take care!
Elder Taylor

I´m healthy. Haven´t bought new shoes yet. My feet got SOAKED yesterday. I
think next week I´ll buy some. I hope that things are going well. But hey,
think we´re going to head out and try to go to Brazil before the end our of
Day. I love you, Mom, more than anything. Give Dad a big hug and kiss for me
today! Take care of yourselves!

(The last little bit was a quick couple of emails back and forth between Liz
and Aaron.)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Another Week...

Taylor Family and Friends,
Well hey there! How ya´ll doin? Things are going well here in beautiful Uruguay! Before I forget, changes are next week, which means that I will be writing on Tuesday, I think. Haha. They changed the day that the new Elders arrived and what-not last change, and I´m pretty sure it´s the same now, so I´m pretty sure we´ll be writing Tuesday. About 95%. Just so ya´ll know and don´t worry!
Things are starting to heat up in Bella Union; we´ve busted out the short sleeves and sunscreen. It´s still not "HOT," but it´s well on it´s way. And then that brings us to last Saturday-woke up in the morning to a BEAUTIFUL day; did service in the morning for a member in the ward and took fifteen minutes to play soccer with their grandkids. Then we went to lunch and as we left to go home, huge, dark clouds started to gather. Clouds were just coming together for about 3 hours. Then, right as we finished the closing prayer in the first lesson of the afternoon, it hit. It reminded me of one of those crazy Utah summer storms. It was SO cool. We were outside on the patio of this investigator, and that was where we stayed. Haha. No way were we going to leave...and even less when it started to HAIL! It was sweet. Good egg-sized balls of ice. Everyone says that that was the biggest hail they´ve ever seen here in Bella Union. The wind was so strong that the rain was coming "down" sideways. It was cool because this investigator has a big front yard (VERY rare) with huge trees-so that was entertaining! It lasted for about 20 or 25 minutes, and then just stopped. After a couple of hours, the clouds were gone and the sun was hot. Pretty sweet day. Reminded me of the weather at home.
I don´t think I have told you guys yet about Francisco. If so, oh well. Elder Gee and I were on divisions in Bella Union and as we were walking across the plaza, we did a contact with an older man seating on one of the benches. We presented ourselves and our message, and asked him if he would like to hear more. He said, "Yes. As a matter of fact, I have the Book of Mormon already." We asked him what he thought of it... "Well, just like it says on the cover: it´s Another Testament of Jesus Christ." We got pretty excited when he said that. Haha. A lot of people have Books of Mormon, either because they´re ex-investigators, or members gave them one, or whatever, but nobody has ever said that when I asked them what they thought! Then Elder Gee asked him where he lived, so we could pass by. When he told us the address, I realized that we were already teaching someone at that address! We were teaching his mother, and his two sisters! Ambrosia is probably about 88 years old, and his sisters Berta and Benta are like 60ish. We had invited everyone in the house to join us in the lessons with them, but he kind of lives apart in the back. So anyways, I made the connection and asked him about it. Yeah, he says, you have passed by to talk to my sisters, but I would like to talk to you guys by myself. Ok...not a problem!
This man is amazing. In our first lesson, we talked about the Book of Mormon and how we can know it´s true. I say amazing because he was quoting to US scriptures from the Book of Mormon. HE knew the "story" and who was talking in Moroni 10 (It´s Moroni, right, the son of Mormon? Yup, that´s right!) Every morning Francisco STUDIES the scriptures, prays, and just takes time to think. He is FULL of questions. As we began to explain the Plan of Salvation he asks us what we believe about ´original sin´ because he doesn´t think that it´s right for everyone to be judged for what Adam did. I flipped to the 2nd Article of Faith. After reading it and talking about it, he looked at me and Elder Marroquín and thanked us for answering a question/doubt that he had had for years.
He has asked about what happens to children that aren´t baptized and pass away, he´s asked about the difference between the spirit and the soul, and a ton of other questions that you only expect to hear in a practice lesson between missionaries in a district meeting. It´s great because our lessons are not us trying to pack information into his head; he asks questions and is eager to learn and accept the answers. On Saturday, we went to a lesson with him. As we finished the opening prayer, I asked if he had any questions he wanted to start with. He said, "No, I just want you two to teach me today. I´m not going to take you out of your ´routine.´" Elder Marroquín and I had decided previously that we wanted to talk about the Book of Mormon and invite him to get baptized. So we did. We talked about how once we have a testimony of the scriptures, we need to act; that part of understanding the scriptures is shown through the application in our lives. We then invited him to accept the Savior´s invitation and be baptized in His church. Francisco looked at us and said, "The only thing I ask you is to not rush me." He said, "I can´t give you a specific date, yet, but I can say that I will get baptized."
So that´s Francisco! He is an amazing example of how we all should be in our search for more understanding. Man, I love meeting awesome people!
Mom, you asked if the people are Bella Union are better off than the people in Artigas...I would say as a whole, no. The part of Artigas where I lived wasn´t amazing, but it was a very nice part. And the living is different as well. There´s a lot more people in Artigas, so there´s more apartments and condos and whatnot. In the center part of Bella Union there are some really nice houses, but as you move farther away from the center, you start to see how the majority of the people live. Yesterday we taught a lesson in a house about as big as our kitchen, made of mostly cardboard, to a family of 8. It really helps you have an appreciation for the blessings we enjoy.
The plaza about 5 blocks from the river is right across the street from me. From the southwest corner of the plaza, cross the street going south and half a block is our house.
We haven´t gone all the way to the community over by the Brazilian border to do proseltying, yet. We went to do service one day with the ward, but yeah. We have gone to the little branches of Bella Union that head out that way, though. Like yesterday, we walked about 45 minutes to get to that lesson...
Bishop Molina passed all the tests to get in to the firefighter training. He was the only one out of four guys from Bella Union that passed. He is back here with us, waiting for them to tell him when he needs to go down to ´Deo to start the training.
Mom, when you see Mary-Anne this week, give her a HUGE hug for me! And hit Nathanael for me. Haha.
Melanie and Megan, how´s school going? It´s weird to think you guys just started when everyone here is getting ready to end. Mel, what´s happening with the musical? Have you gone on any hot dates recently? :o) Goose, you just focus on your studies...you don´t need to think about boys yet! Haha.
Alright, well I think that´s about it for this week. Know that I love each and every one of you and that you´re in my prayers often! Don´t forget to write me. Haha. Just in case ya´ll forgot, you can write to the mission email address (urugoest@gmail.com) and they print it off and send it to me! So it´s a lot easier and free to keep in contact. What a blessing. :o) Well....see ya later!
Elder Taylor

Monday, October 15, 2007

Letter from Salto

Taylor Family and Friends,
Well hey there. How ya´ll doin this beautiful day? Things are going well
here in Uruguay. It´s about 10:30 in the morning and I´ve already been up
for about 5 1/2 hours. Pretty intense, eh? We woke up this morning and
hopped on a bus to come down and hang out with some of the zone today.
We´re going to go play GOLF! I´m WAY excited. Can you believe that? I,
Elder Taylor, am crazy excited to play GOLF. Haha. The things that change
on the mission. This is probably the one and only time we will come down
here on a Preparation Day, because it takes up our day and money, but it´s
all good. We got special permission to do divisions here tonight, so we
won´t have to head back to Bella Union for our three hours of proselyting
tonight. We have interviews with President Peterson tomorrow morning and
then tomorrow about noonish we have our district meetings like every week;
then we´ll head back to Bella Union.
So that´s what´s going on today. Sounds like fun, eh? I sure thought
so. Last week was a pretty long week, but it was great at the same time. A
couple of years ago, Elder Ballard gave a challenge, or better said, a
commandment for the missionaries to do at least 10 contacts a day; that
means 70 per week. Over the last year in the mission, the average has been
39.8 per missionary, per week. That´s barely over 50%. Wow. The President
really pushed this topic in our Zone Conference that we had like two weeks
ago, so Elder Marroquín and I decided last week that we were going to quit
being dumb as I put it. Haha. We both got our contacts last week. I
ended up with 73 and he got 71. We were both really happy and felt good.
Ten contacts a day doesn´t sound like a lot, and it´s not, but sometimes
it´s not as easy as it sounds. Especially when it rains for three days
STRAIGHT like it did last week, and no one is in the street. But when the
Lord gives a commandment, He provides the way. Even if it means we have to
walk into corner stores and invite His children, He will provide the way:
we just have to be willing to do what is required! So Elder Marroquín and
I decided we were going to do what is required. I´m not going to say that
we saw any AMAZING miracles last week for being obedient, but I can
honestly say that we feel a lot better and we are VERY optimistic for this
week. As Brother Matt Sellers told me this week, the Lord will bless us as
fast as we are able to receive it. I believe we showed the Lord that we
really do want to invite His children to learn more about Him this last
week, and we are willing to do what it takes! It´s going to be a great
Got my first dog bite this last weekend. Saturday night, I think. No
worries, it was just a quick grab-and-release on the ankle. Only bled a
little bit. But it was kinda funny. :o)
My cold´s pretty much gone. I haven´t checked my tonsils in the last
couple of days, but I´m feeling ok. I told the Hermana Peterson at the
Zone Conference and she gave me a paper that said the medicine I needed, but I haven´t stopped by to get it yet. Up ´til now, I´ve
been ok. Haha.
Investigators are doing well. The hard part of the work in Bella Union
is different than the hard part in Artigas. In Artigas, it was hard for us
to find people to teach, but once we found them, they usually progressed.
In Bella Union, it is easy to find people, but they don´t progress:
mostly because they don´t go to church on Sunday. We are really focusing
in on that area. Ricardo was working like 12 hours yesterday, so he didn´t
go to church, but his wife and 3-year old daughter went. It was GREAT to
see them there. She is the returned-missionary that went inactive. But it
can be seen she has the desires to come back. We were talking with her, and
she said that Ricardo has been asking a lot more questions about the
church, the temple, and the priesthood in this last week. We are pretty
excited about that! Questions are always good. We are having lunch with
them on Wednesday, so that´ll be fun.
Things with Elder Marroquín are going really well. He is a lot different
than Elder Huaman, but at the same time, they are very similar. It is just
a lot different to be with a Latin. Not better or worse, just different.
Out of my 5 companions in the field, 3 of them have been Latins, and 2 of
those 3 have been Peruvians. I think that I´m supposed to head to Peru at
some point in my life. Elder Marroquín says that I´m going to have each
one of the Peruvians in the mission as a companion. Oh boy. I think that
would mean a Peruvian for the rest of my mission. I think I would go crazy.
Haha. He is a great Elder and he knows why he is here. It is very easy to
work with him. His birthday is December 16th. What a coincidence, eh? The
day after mine. I doubt I´ll still be here for our birthdays, but who
People always comment on how young we are, right? And usually they ask us
how old we are, so we ask them to guess first. With Elder Marroquín they
always say 19 or 20, but with me it´s always 23 or 24. Yesterday, one guy
said 29! I almost died. I don´t mind looking older at all, but 29?!
Sheesh. I guess need to do some more intense exercises in the morning.
Anybody have some kind of age remedy? Haha.
Mom, you noticed his tie, too?! Haha. That´s awesome! I was in the room
all by myself, right? Oh, but don´t worry, I still commented on the tie
OUT LOUD. Haha. After I realized what I had just done, I couldn´t help but
laugh at myself. That´s what happens when you´re with a Latin for 3
straight months, I guess!
As for things I need in a package, I´m not sure. Those Pilot gel pens
that you sent last time work REALLY well for contacts, because I can click
them open and shut quickly. Dumb little thing, but hey. Haha. I don´t know
if I have told you yet, but I have officially put a hole in my Ecco´s,
too. Just in the left foot. I have no idea what happened, to be competely
honest. I´m thinking about buying another pair of shoes from Brazil like
the ones I bought a couple of months ago. I like them a lot, and they only
cost like 700 pesos. I think that´s like 30 bucks. Not too bad. I don´t
know-what do you think? I think shoes are too risky to send in a package. I
don´t know if I´m really going to buy new shoes yet, but the thought has
crossed my mind. What else do I need in a package, or want? I don´t know.
Give me some ideas, and if it sparks any ideas, I´ll let you know. Oh, one
thing. Tell my best friend to write me! Haha. I know I wasn´t the best
writer to him while he was gone, but that´s because he told me NOT to
write emails! He can write me emails, at the mission address. C´mon
Skyler, I know you´re not stock full of dates...nice try! :o)
If you can´t tell, I´m just trying to buy a little bit of time. Haha. I
wrote quickly today. Maybe I´ll try and send some pics. Good idea, Elder
Ok, know that I love you all. Take care of yourselves and do your
scripture studies! The scriptures really have helped me have the desires
and motivation to do this work even on the hardest of days. There really is
a power to be found there. Look for it! And I would love to hear insights
and thoughts from all of you. Thanks Bro. Sellers for your thoughts-I
REALLY enjoyed it! ¡Cuídense y pórtense bien!
Elder Taylor

Monday, October 8, 2007

300 days

Taylor Family and Friends,
Just so everyone knows, the subject line is NOT because I am counting days! My mom and sister both kindly informed me that today is my 300 day mark, so I thought I´d comment on it. That´s a pretty crazy thought. 300 seems like a lot, but at the same time, it´s not; time is a pretty confusing thing on the mission.
So Conference is over. Sad. But what an amazing conference it was! We witnessed history, you guys. I thought it was very impressive the way that President Hinckley did not make any show or presentation when he read the sustainings of Pres. Eyring and Elder Cook. They are callings that come from our Heavenly Father and any earthly presentation would not be sufficient. Very well done.
We received a lot of very impressive counsels this weekend from our Heavenly Father. A lot about being member-missionaries and studying Preach My Gospel; I hope that we were ALL listening to that counsel given to us from our Father in Heaven. He wants us to reach out to His children; Preach My Gospel is here to help us do so effectively. I loved the first two talks on Sunday morning by Elder Hales and Elder Scott about personal revelation and finding truth, respectively. They were both very impressive talks packed with insights and invitations.
Was anyone picking out their favorite ties like I was? Haha. I say that Elder Uchtdorf and Elder Kopischke win for this conference. If you want ideas for ties to send me...look at pictures of those two! There were many impressive ties this weekend. Haha
You may be wondering what Elder Taylor was doing while watching conference if he was so interested in the ties of the General Authorities; if so, I´ll tell you. There´s not much else to do when you´re sitting by yourself in a little room for eight hours! Haha. I had my own private "suite" for conference this weekend, seeing as how I´m probably the only person in at least 2 hours in any direction who speaks English. It made for a different experience, but I enjoyed it. I say 8 hours because Sunday morning my companion and I watched the recording of the Priesthood Session together...in Spanish. I could understand everything in Spanish just fine, but it´s just a different experience to watch it in English. The translators do an AMAZING job at what they do, but, as hard as they may try, they cannot translate the emotion and love in their words. And that´s one of the best parts of watching conference, isn´t it? We can all read the counsels in a month´s time, but this was our chance to hear the counsels with the love and the emotion that the Lord´s servants put in to them. What a blessing!
I didn´t get waffles and ice cream arranged for this conference. Oh well. Maybe next time.
Last week was a crazy week. District meeting in Salto on Tuesday, divisions here with Elder Gee on Wednesday, Sector Conference in Paysandú on Thursday and General Conference on Saturday and Sunday. A very long, but amazing week. I had the opportunity to receive many counsels from my leaders and to have many prayers answered. A great week.
Family, I got the package this last week. Thanks! The second I opened the package, I put the hat on. Mmm. Haha. It was great. I took a couple of recordings of Uruguayan´s eating Warheads-that was pretty funny! It was really nice to hear from the cousins and what not on the tape. I don´t know if you guys realized, but the tape had a couple of problems as well. Anyways, I was informed of some super exciting news- Greg and Ann Jones were sealed! I can´t believe you guys didn´t tell me beforehand! That is SO cool! I don´t know if you are sending these letters to them, but send them my love and congratulations! Man, that was a good piece of news to receive!
Melanie, tell Ms. Hatch that I dig the new hair-do. Haha. It was pretty fun to see her during conference. She´s the first person I´ve seen from home "live" in ten months. An interesting thought. Haha. Oh, and Ms. Beus from Elk Ridge.
Dad, what happened with the Sentra? You broke it again? Haha. Good to hear you got it fixed. What´d you decide to do with the Dodge?
So Robby, Troy, and Tommy are all in Brazil, huh? Crazy! I could be in Brazil too in about 15 minutes. Haha. That´s cool. When you see their families, tell them I send my best!
You guys are gonna head to Oregon to see Mary-Anne and Nathanael? That´s cool. I´ll head up that way in a "few" months. Haha.
Dad, thanks for sending me the tease on the Indians series. Haha. Did they pull it out and beat the Yankees? I sure hope so! If they go to the Series, you guys had better buy LOTS of souvenirs and record the Series so I can watch it! Thanks, love ya. Haha.
Well, I think that´s about it for this week. An interesting thought: President Hinckley spoke for just a couple of minutes in the last session, and what was his invitation? To read and discuss the proceedings of General Conference in our Family Home Evenings-think it might be a good idea? I sure think so! I´m so grateful that I have a "mother who knows" and parents who were always willing to spend one-on-one time with me! Those are moments that I will never forget.
I love you all, and I can´t wait to hear from ya! Send a shout, eh? Take care!
Elder Taylor

Monday, October 1, 2007

October 1st, are you serious?

Taylor Family and Friends,
Well hey there. How ya´ll doin? Things are going really well here in
Bella Union. This week brought a couple of changes, starting with the
weather; it seems like we´re going to skip spring here and go straight to
summer. Yesterday it got up to 31 degrees (Celsius) I´m not sure how much
that is F, but I think it´s about 80 degrees. All I know is that it´s a
lot warmer. Haha. But notwithstanding the heat, somehow I managed to catch
a cold this week. Remember how before I left my tonsil had swollen up a
little and then went back to normal? Well, on Wednesday I woke up with a
cold and swollen tonsil. I´m feeling a lot better now, but my tonsil is
still bigger than it should be. Haha. But the headache and all that jazz
has left. I opened up my bag on Wednesday and found the pharmacy that I
hadn´t even touched yet. Haha. Thanks Mom, love ya!
This week we started a new schedule. Now we have 9 hours of proselyting
every day. 9-12 in the morning, and 3-9 in the afternoon. It´s pretty
sweet. President Peterson reviewed the schedule we had and compared it with
Preach My Gospel, and then made the changes accordingly. We are all pretty
stoked about it.
Things with Elder Marroquín are going really well. We both have the
desires to do the things we need to do, so we get along. Haha. He´s really
a pretty funny kid. Weird, but funny. He reminds me of a gringo trying to
learn Spanish-he´s always asking me how to say stuff in English. He
actually speaks pretty well. Ok, well a lot better than Elder Huaman. Not
meaning he could carry a conversation by any means, but he understands a
lot of the basics. It´s fun.
THIS WEEKEND IS GENERAL CONFERENCE! Crazy. We get the satellite here in
Bella Union, so we don´t have to go to Salto. I still haven´t made the
arrangements for waffles...we´ll see if we can scrounge something up
before the weekend. If not, there´s always April. I´m way stoked for
Conference. I do believe that I will be the only one watching it in English
this time. Haha. That will be interesting.
Ricardo went to church this week! I don´t know if I´ve told you about
him, but I believe so. His wife is the returned missionary who is now
inactive. They got married and she gradually went inactive. He was a
reference from the Ward Council. He has ran off a lot of companionships,
his wife said, so she was surprised when he invited us back for a third,
fourth visit, then a fifth...etc. We are taking it slow, as he requested,
but we are pretty excited. Yesterday was the Primary Presentation here in
Bella Union. Elder Taylor was asked to accompany them on the piano. That
was a first. It was fun.
Anyways, time is running short; the computer was having problems today.
Dad, why would you fix the Dodge?! You´re crazy, man. My opinion. Haha.
Love you. Mary-Anne-you´re already looking for a new job? Sheesh kid. I
haven´t changed ties yet. Haha. It snowed in Salt Lake? That´s
ridiculous! Usually it waits until about Halloween. Weird. So how is mom
pronouncing the names of all these cities? That would be interesting to
hear! Haha. I forgot to bring the information for Elder Stoddard, but I
already made a reminder to bring it next week. Sorry. Sweet, that´s about
it for today. Tomorrow we are in Salto, Wednesday back here, and Thursday
in Paysandu for zone conference. Fun week! I love you all! Sorry for the
short letter, but it´s not my fault. Haha. Don´t take it personally.
Elder Taylor