Monday, May 5, 2008


Taylor Family and Friends,
Well here I am, tired and worn, but with a full stomach! This morning we had a zone activity with the whole zone. We went over to a member´s house in our ward and had an asado. (BBQ) While the food was cooking, we went over to the nearby field and played ultimate frisbee, soccer, and tossed around the football. It was a lot of fun, but doing a full-out exercise like that just makes me realize how long it´s been since I ran around on a field! I´m looking forward to a nice, warm shower and a little nap before studies. :o)
Last week was a great week. We had the Sector Conference here in Paysandú on Wednesday, so that means Elder Maughan and I were running here and there on Monday and Tuesday making sure everything was ready. Food, tables, chairs, audio, etc. Everything turned out really well, and the conference was a success!
Things are going really well for us here in Barrio Ombú. Elder Maughan and I are working with a couple of families really closely. The Rodriguez family, whose parents are inactive members, and the Zaballos family, where all 5 are nonmembers. The 4 Rodriguez kids who are of baptismal age are excitedly preparing for their baptism on the 24th, where they wil be accompanied by the 3 children of the Zaballos family. Mario and Diva Zaballos, the parents, will follow shortly thereafter, after everything goes through for Diva´s divorce from her husband in Argentina and they get married here in Paysandú. The longest delay will be waiting for the divorce to get through the courts, because the husband is in Argentina and has already remarried there. But they both have very strong testimonies of the Book of Mormon, and seeing their children progress encourages them to continue despite the delay. Their youngest daughter, Belen (9), got up and bore her testimony yesterday in Sacrament Meeting; the look on the faces of her parents said it all. Sweet!
This week will be a week of finding new investigators to keep the work moving forward at this quick pace. The zone of Paysandú is doing better than ever before-20 people have baptismal dates for this month already. The Lord is mindful of His children here in this part of the vineyard!
Mom, all is well with the question of health. I got over the little fever I had in a day or so. Yesterday my comp was fighting with a fever and congestion, but he´s doing better today. Congratulations on your graduation ceremony, Mom! That´s awesome! Don´t forget to send me pictures of you all dressed up in your cute little gown. :o) I´m glad that your concert went well.
Mel and Goose, what happened?! I´m still waiting for my letters...! Mel, how did your solo go in the concert? How are your guys´ grades looking for this last quarter? I hope they´re doing well...if not, I´m gonna drop the cane. :o)
So Mary-Anne´s gonna be subbing at Mom´s school...that should be fun! I want to hear about this wonderful growing experience. Haha. I don´t think I could teach; I like little kids and all, but the lack of focus would kill me! More power to ya.
Nathanael, when do you find out the results from your finals? How was this first year? Am I going to survive through my first year of law school? Haha, yeah right. That´d be interesting!
So Dad, what color is my Tacoma? Is it my metallic silver one, or is it the black one? I´m not feeling too picky. I can always get a paint job later, right?
Well, I think that´s gonna be about it for today! I hope everything is going well for all of you up north! Don´t forget to drop me a line and let me know how things are going...yes, that means you. Have a good one!
Elder Taylor

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