Monday, April 7, 2008


Taylor Family and Friends,
Well another General Conference has come and gone-how crazy is that?! We had an awesome opportunity this last weekend to listen to the Lord́s chosen servants; I hope we all took advantage of that privilege and blessing! Oh, before I forget, we have changes next week, so my P-Day will most likely be Tuesday; just so yáll know.
Anyways, who won the coolest tie contest? We had quite the showing this last weekend, but I think the prize has to go to Elder Uchtdorf, for a second consecutive conference. Not only did he have some sweet ties, he had a different one EVERY session! Nice work! But, other notable contestants were Elder Oaks, Elder Scott, and Elder Perry-all very impressive. Haha.
Yes, for all of those who are wondering, I DID actually pay attention to the talks as well! My companion and I have dubbed Elder Holland as the spiritual bulldog of the Church; that was an awesome talk! President Uchtdorf́s talk was also really good. There were some super good talks in Priesthood Session, along with President Monsońs timeless ear-wiggle. He gave us all a very good laugh. Overall, a great opportunity to learn and grow, and the best part lies ahead-put in practice and see the blessings. We were all especially excited about Elder Bednaŕs call to the members of the Church to fulfill their vital role as missionaries. Upon heeding that counsel, we will see unbelievable blessings in the progress of missionary work.
Mom, did you cry when MoTab sang Called to Serve on Sunday?! :o) That was a really cool arrangement. I was wondering why I didńt see Craig Jessop with the Choir this weekend! That́s SO crazy! Is he really going up to Utah State?! Sweet! That́s pretty cool. It́d be fun to sing with him as a director again!
Anyways, yes, my house is in front of the chapel-Pops was right. May not happen often, but it does happen. Haha. Just kidding, Dad.
The tonsil thing is ok. Theýre still a little inflamed, but I talked to President in our interviews last week, and he said I probly dońt need to worry about it. No worries.
We had a really great week last week. The Lord is really blessing Elder Huber and I. We have found some really neat families and we are excited to teach them the Gospel. That always happens-at the end of the change, you begin to find really cool people! Ím pretty sure I will be heading out of here this change, but who knows? Íve been here 4 1/2 months, 3 of those with Elder Huber. Íll go where you want me to go...!
We still have a couple of baptisms set for later this month, so we are excited for that. We are also working with these new families anxiously and carefully-we have a lesson with one tonight-the Silva family. As we were chatting before the last lesson, I found out they are from Bella Unión and he is the uncle of a returned missionary that I knew really well! What a small world. That helped with the connection and the we just need the Spirit! Good family. Luis, Claudia, and Jose Luis, who is 13.
I was watching conference on Saturday and saw Spencer Anapol in the BYU Choir. That was really cool. Good to see a familiar face. Speaking of familiar things...
DAD-President Drakés grandson is my AP! Elder Drake! That́s why I asked you. Hés from Cullman, Alabama. Do you remember Kuenn Drake? Well my AP is his son. The family was Charles F. Drake, Gaileen Gray Drake, with their kids, David, Elaine, Kuenn, and Shane. It́s weird-I have a lot of crazy connections with a lot of the missionaries here. Fun to find out! Elder Drake told me to ask you if you helped baptize anyone there in Cullman-can you remember? :o)
Alright, well Ím gonna try and send some pics, so Ím gonna cut this one a little short. Sorry if I left questions unanswered! Have a great week and say hello to everybody for me!
Elder Taylor

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