Monday, July 30, 2007

A Beautiful Day...!

Family and Friends,
Today is a beautiful day here in Artigas. Might only need a long-sleeve
shirt today! Haha. We´re gettin ready to head over to Quarai, Brazil in a
couple minutes. Elder Holmes has only been once, so we´re gonna goi play
over there.
Must have been a busy week on the home-front this week-I only heard from
Mary-Anne! I hope all is well at home and that ya´ll are taking care of
yourselves. :o)
This is going to be a shorter letter, ´cause I wrote Mary-Anne for a
while, but that´s ok-she deserves a long letter every once in a while!
Good week, pretty routine up until yesterday. Eduardo passed the
sacrament for the first time yesterday. That was really cool! Also, he cut
his hair after church! That was AWESOME! He looks SO good! He got a job
offer (after 5 months of looking) to drive taxi´s and the owner asked him
to cut his hair. We were so stoked. Haha. His mom and all of us have been
trying to convince him forever. He promised me before I left that he would
cut it, and yesterday he did! I took lots of pictures, no worries.
I had a good scare yesterday-I almost lost my mother here in the ´Guay.
Hma. Martinez had a heart-attack yesterday morning. We didn´t find out
until about 5 o´clock, so we went over about 8 o´clock last night to see
how she was doing. She is doing a lot better, but both her and her husband
thought she was gone for a while there. But the Lord decided that she
hasn´t finished what she needs to do here yet, so He sent her back. She
said she asked politely. :o) Good thing too, because I´ve still got a week
and a half left here in Artigas, I can´t be left without careful motherly
supervision. Haha.
Changes are next week-that´s crazy. This change FLEW by. Oh, that means
that P-Day is Wednesday next week, just for the heads up. We still don´t
know changes yet, but it´s about a 99% probability that I´m going to be
leaving my first area-after 6 months. Haha. It´s kind of a bitter-sweet
thought, so we´ll talk about that when the time comes.
The work is going well. We are knocking and walking a lot in the nice,
freezing cold weather. The Lord is just in the process of finishing up the
preparations for all the people we are going to find this week!
Well, like I said, this letter is short. I know, I´m sorry. Don´t be
mad. I´ll write more next week. But I´m under obligation to my companion.
Haha. Good excuse, uh? Love you all!
You are all in my prayers daily! Take care and break down that postal
barrier! :o)
Elder Taylor

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