Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh what a beautiful morning...! Haha

Family and Friends,
What´s up?! How are you all doing? I´m just dandy down here, living the
missionary life. There´s nothing better, and at the same time, I´m
convinced there´s nothing harder! Haha. That´s the way it should be
though, right? If it´s not hard, it´s not worth it.
First of all, I´ll have you all know, I´ve been adopted yet again down
here in the ´Guay! So now I have my beautiful mother, Jewels, my birthmom,
and Hermana Martinez from my latino side! Haha. Hermana Martinez and her
husband are awesome members here in the branch. In July, they will have
been members for 31 years. He has been Branch Pres. 3 times, along with
various callings in the Stake, and Hma Martinez has probly held every
calling a woman can in the branch. Recently, she was called as Relief
Society Pres, again. So there ya go. She is taking good care of us-always
telling us to behave ourselves, and making sure someone is going to feed us
everyday. So, no worries, 6,000 miles away from home and I still can´t get
away from the seemingly-ever-present personage of a mother. I love it.
Eduardo is doing awesome! He came to Church again yesterday, in a white
shirt and tie that Elder McFarland and I provided. In a lesson we had with
him while we were on divisions, he said that he felt a little awkward or
out of place with his jeans and blue shirt the last sunday. Pres. Lorenzo,
who was with us, told him not to be worried, that the Lord would provide a
way for him to get the appropriate clothing, if he continued to put Him
first. Don´t let it stop you from going to church, he said. Oh, I´m going
anyway, is what Eduardo responded. Elder Stoddard and I gave him the white
shirt and tie Saturday night. His face lit up. And then we taught him how
to tie it. Haha. It was awesome. He has a great spirit about him, even with
the hair to his shoulders and the tattoos! We found out that he has 2
daughters that live in Montevideo with their mother, and he has another
daughter that passed away about 20 days after being born, just over a year
ago. That still hits him really hard. We changed our lesson plan on the
spot and taught him the Plan of Salvation. What a blessing it is to know
that little children are ''alive in Christ.'' He was so grateful and
excited to learn about our Father´s plan for us. What an awesome
opportunity we have to share that message with our brothers and sisters.
Last week it rained for about 3 days straight. Needless to say, it
chilled down a bit. Today is a beautiful day, short sleeves, but at nights
and in the mornings, we wear our jackets. It´s really nice not to have to
fight the heat.
Questions from Elder Taylor-well, just a couple- Has Neil Draper gotten
his call yet? Elder Stoddard and I are anxious to hear! What about Dan Han?
Has he started on his papers? Anybody else who I should be waiting to hear
from? Oh, speaking of Dan-Dan, I got your letter a week and a half ago, and
I wrote you a letter last week, and then realized I had no stamp to send
it. So be patient, letters are coming. That is the status of letter writing
right now.
Speaking of letters, I got an out-of-the-blue letter from Shayla Troff
this week. I don´t know her email, mom, so if there´s a way you could
figure that out and send this to her so she knows, I´d appreciate it.
Also, mom, I didn´t get the email you sent last monday, the 23, on
Thursday, the 26, so that means it´ll prolly come this week. So there´s
your report. Also, another request-If you plan on sending another package
sometime soon, maybe with Elder Damairu´s parents, could you send my
Christmas eclipse CD? I´m confident it would be appropriate, and I´m
going through a non-MOTAB-christmas-craving, so I´d appreciate it!
I´m sending my pictures today, for sure, in a package, so you´ll have
to let me know if or when it gets to you, so I can delete them from my
card. There prolly won´t be a letter in it, so don´t hate me. Just be
grateful that you get letters each week. Haha. I´m calling in like 2 weeks
anyway, so it´s all good.
Sorry if this letter is short, but know that it is sent with all my love!
Know that all is well in the work, and that the Lord´s hand is involved! I
love being a missionary and all the things it entails! The Lord knows us
and is aware of our needs! Let us be instruments in His hands, so He can
touch the hearts of His children! Christ lives and is the Savior! I love
Him, and I love all of you! As Hma Martinez says, Pórtense bién y
cuídense! Love you
Elder Taylor

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