Monday, March 10, 2008


Taylor Family and Friends,
Good morning to all from a once again sunny and beautiful Uruguay! The weather has finally cleared up a bit, and we are enjoying the sunshine. We had about a week and a half without seeing the sun...just rainclouds. I love the rain, love it, but enough was enough. Haha. Last week I was sick two (and a half) days. I was in bed with a 102 degree fever. But, wére all good now! Elder Huber just took advantage and rested up a bit, too. Sunday morning at Church, I just had a killer headache, and then that ache started working it́s way into every part of my body; the fever came on late Sunday night/Monday morning. No worries, no one died, and wére back to work!
We now have a Latin in the house with us, so that́s been a fun change. Elder Huber is definitely cracking down on his Spanish, now. Haha. Elder Espínola is a really fun guy, and a good, hard-working missionary. Hés still young in the mission, but sets a good standard for all those old guys. :o) Elder Johanson and Elder Espínola are in my district this change, as well as the zone leaders, Elder Centurión and Elder Bankhead. On Friday night, I gave my first baptismal interview. One of the ZĹs investigators, Fernanda, was baptized. She is probly the most intelligent 11-year old Íve ever met in my whole life. Super cute kid with a bubbling personality. It was a good way to ease me into this whole interviewing idea! As Elder Huber, Elder Centurión, Elder Acuña, and I headed back home in the bus, we asked the driver if we could sing a few songs; he said, "Sure, Ím Christian." The four of us stood in the middle of the bus and sang "Nearer, My God, To Thee," "Abide With Me," and "The Spirit of God" to a full-bus audience at about 9 PM on Friday night in the middle of Montevideo! It was a fun, memorable experience. Hailey Nichols is working at your school, Mom? That́s awesome! Who did she marry? And shés pregnant?! Holy cow. Tell her hello and congrats for me! And I actually did hear that Sarah Johnson got married, but that́s not the girl who was ÁCappella pres with me-that was Angela Johnson. Close, though. Any other marriage or mission news that I dońt know about? Mary-Anne, I think that́s a great idea to start studying Preach My Gospel just so you are more comfortable when those questions are asked. The four of us are going to start teaching a Preach My Gospel here in our ward on the 21st of this month. We are super excited for it. If all the members in the Church studied Preach My Gospel and put in practice what it teaches, missionary work would be completely different! So start that study! And then send me all your cool insights...! :o) We just had Daylight Savings Time here. The night of the 9th. So we got to sleep an extra hour. What a beautiful gift! :o) I only change the time one more time on my mission...therés some food for thought. Haha. Hey Melanie! Ím still waiting for my report! Ćmon kid, yoúve got me on edge w/ all the suspense! Haha. I know yoúre probly super busy with all your homework, boyfriends, and driving, but you can spare 5 minutes to write your brother about your play...please? (Insert puppy dog face here!) The Lumbergs had their 5th baby a few months ago? Ah man, I wanna see that her. Their kids are some of the cutest kids ever! Speaking of cute kids, we have one of the cutest girls Íve ever seen here in our ward. I think shés 2 years old, and she looks exactly like Melanie did when she was little! Super curly hair, and a to-die-for smile. Shés not as dark as Melanie was, but just a little doll. Íll have to take a picture and send it to you guys. Dad, I asked about Coleman, Alabama, because that́s where one of our Assistants, Elder Drake, is from. He used to be my ZL in Salto. We were talking a few weeks ago, and I mentioned you had served in that mission. He asked if you had served in Coleman, and I said that I thought you had mentioned that name before. His grandpa was Branch President in that branch for like 20 years. And Elder Johansońs dad also served in that mission, but from ́69-́71. So maybe he liked trained you or something. Haha. Who was your trainer, anyway? His son is probly here in my mission, cuz it seems like everyone has a connection with your mission! Well, I think that́s going to be about it from this side of town for this week. I hope all is going well and that you are all taking care of yourselves. Mom, did you get that list of "needs" I sent last week? :o) Hoẃs that coming along? Haha. I love you guys! Take care and wéll hear from you next week! Elder Taylor

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